Thursday, 12 December 2019


Who is online Users browsing this forum: In case of concurrent changes made by different administrators, an alert message is displayed. If that's the case or even this doesn't work for you a new installation is in order. Creating a simple chat. This requires SFS2X to be previously configured as described in the Protocol Cryptography document in this case you don't have to configure a Zone's encryption settings, but enable AdminTool's encryption in the Remote Admin tab mentioned above. smartfox admin tool

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Selecting an item in Zones, Rooms or Users panel and pressing the Monitor selection button below the accordion starts the actual monitoring of the entity's runtime parameters in the right area of the module.

At least one administrator should have full permissions, otherwise some features could become inaccessible, requiring a manual intervention on the configuration files on the server.

Its main features are: If this limit is exceeded, a system message is displayed and additional filters should be set.

SmartFoxServer 2X documentation: admintool-ZoneConfigurator-zone

The Bookmarks tab allows the creation of profiles in which the server connection settings can be saved all except the password, for security reasons. The AdminTool automatically checks if a new version of SFS2X is available on the website as a full installer or a patch. If the same range is added to a blacklist, all those addresses will be rejected by the server. It consists of a Connection tab and a Bookmarks tab. Active 4 years, 5 months ago. Please notice that these settings are not related to IP banning see the Ban Manager module: Then I used the mac terminal to ssh in and restart the server.

In terminal, when I do "ps -Al" list processesI can't tell what is a smart fox server process. Additional information Core thread is the default number of thread used to process smqrtfox System and Extension requests. The connection panel is the first screen you will be presented after launching the AdminTool.

Standalone AdminTool for SFS2X

Creating a basic Extension. The title bar shows the server's host and port number followed by the current module's name; if a custom name is assigned to the SFS2X instance see the Server Configurator moduleit is displayed in the title bar too. The available administration modules are described in dedicated pages linked below. It is also possible, to zdmin certain extent, to apply live changes to some of their parameters.

This in turn will open in your browser. This allows moving too profiles to other client machines without the need to re-enter them each time.

When you double click an existing profile or click the Use profile button after selecting a profileit will bring you back to the Connection tab and populate all the fields: Riwels Riwels 10 10 silver badges 20 20 bronze badges. The keystore password provided in the SSL certificate manager popup is transmitted securely to the server. Most of the settings are self-explanatory, anyway they are all accompanied by the Help icon: I also see when I do ".

smartfox admin tool

This tab allows configuring the users enabled to access the server's administration through the AdminTool. Click the button again to close the chat panel. This tab allows attaching a custom Extension to the Zone, containing your server-side logic. I was able to access it up until a couple of ttool ago.

» Zone Monitor module

It is also possible to add classpath entries to load additional, external libraries to be used by the Extensions even if the default entries should be enough for all purposes. By means of the text input field and Send button located below the Monitor selection button, the administrator can send an "admin message" to one or more users.

smartfox admin tool

To login to Admin tool, default port is The last parameter of each section sets the size of each queue. This means that even if you forget to change the default access credentials for the AdminTool, a malicious user won't be able to take advantage rool it.

SmartFoxServer 2X documentation: admintool-ServerConfigurator

For smartfxo information on the JVM options, check this link on the Oracle website. IMPORTANT As this feature allows to upload any kind of file to the server, in order to improve the security a physical lock has been placed on the server preventing the usage until it is removed.

Start a new browser page at http:

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