Batistella M, Moran EF. There are no available georeferenced databases to distinguish private from public lands in Brazilian Amazonia, or small from large landholdings. New Challenges, New Responses. Open in a separate window. Road network and road traffic data were obtained from the Ministry of Transport www.
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GLMs clearly highlight the importance of settlement size and within-settlement human population density as major drivers of land-use change Table 3Fig 8. Amazonian agrarian settlements therefore have yet to be examined as drivers of 45. considering a before-and-after approach at the largest possible regional scale.
The Peasant Economy of Amazonian Deforestation. Evrard O, Goudineau Y.
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These settlements encompass 5. Solid and shaded circles represent mean deforestation rates and mean fire incidence calculated from and settlement areas, respectively, for which reliable data are available. In fact, household density within settlements was the most important predictor of the proportion of settlement areas converted 3igeo other land-uses.
This can be seen in a clear triangular envelope representing higher variances in annual deforestation i3geeo settlers arrive at increasingly forested areas Fig 9bfor the simple reason that absolute deforestation rates are necessarily lower in areas that had already lost most of their forest cover.
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Fires in Amazonia are spatially i3ego with recent deforestation [ 75 ] and the timing and spatial distribution of deforestation and fires in our analysis provides irrefutable chronological and spatially explicit evidence of agropastoral conversion both inside and immediately outside agrarian settlements 10 years after settlement occupation.
Implications for Land Distribution and Deforestation. Boom-and-Bust development patterns across the Amazon deforestation frontier.
Incra conclui levantamento ocupacional de All statistical analyses were performed using R [ 51 ]. In addition, a subset of relatively recent settlements established since located within previously forested areas was used to assess deforestation rates up to 7 years before and 11 years after the arrival of settlers Fig 1b. Land Reform in Russia: Conservation-related Resettlement in Central Africa: In post-frontier regions, wealthier farmers acquire deforested land from smallholders, many of whom are agrarian reform settlers e.
Land Redistribution in the Philippines In: It is therefore presently unfeasible to discriminate private from public lands outside settlements, and comparing settlements with their surrounding areas requires use of 1 municipal county boundaries, 2 an arbitrary 45.
or 3 the entire 44.5.

As we shall see, this increase in internal population density has a significant effect on deforestation rates within settlements. All circles above the dashed diagonal line indicate counties that have lost a higher proportion of forest cover within settlement polygons than areas outside. Municipal counties containing settlements also showed marked differences in reported annual extractive rates of forest products roundlogs, firewood and charcoal before and after .45 formal arrival of settlers.

A language and environment for statistical computing. Moreover, this form of government expenditure will hardly achieve the eradication of rural poverty, due to the economic inefficiencies of most agrarian settlements and the boom-and-bust patterns of development typical of the Amazonian frontier [ 7677 ], in which per capita living standards show an ephemeral improvement with deforestation, followed by a rapid decline in the aftermath of liquidation of the natural forest resource capital.
County-scale deforestation Over half of the total area Annual extractive production of timber, charcoal and firewood within settlements was estimated using the i3goe average of the municipal county scale data by overlapping the IBGE data for each resource type within county boundaries onto the settlement polygons.

The relative influence of environmental predictors on the conversion rate of natural vegetation cover including both forest and cerrado within each settlement polygon was examined using generalized linear models GLMs. Peres CA, Schneider M. This is illustrated by a deforestation time-series at two settlements within markedly contrasting landscape contexts between the expanding agricultural frontiers penetrating the eastern and southern fringes of Amazonia and those elsewhere Fig Glob Environ Change ; Open in a separate window.
We calculated the Euclidian distance from each settlement project to the nearest major paved and unpaved road managed by a state or federal agency for which estimates of traffic intensity are available in terms of cumulative number of heavy vehicles cargo or passengers per day. Conceived and designed the experiments: Annual data on conversion into agropastoral land-uses were unavailable for these biomes, thereby restricting our before-and-after assessments of vegetation conversion to the forest domain accounting for Both of these economic strategies are in fact complementary, given that traditional slash-and-burn agriculture demands at least 25 ha to sustain a family of five even in relatively fertile portions of Amazonia [ 7 ].
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