Tuesday, 10 December 2019


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Flash with X11i cable, key need to press before connecting cable. Only registered members may post questions, contact other members or search our database of over 8 million posts.

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X11i flashing cable0 key need to press X Originally Posted by dossdct Pls Micromax x flash file wanted urgent, chinaking box.

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Add Thread to del. X11i cable, direct software, without pressing any key X Offline Brother please see on phone pcb cpu type.

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X11i cable, no need to press any key while connect with tool A57,A If you have any problems with the registration process or your micrkmax login, please contact contact us. A52 Flashing cable X11i cable. Welcome to the GSM-Forum forums.

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Offline what is the status of phone? X11i Flashing cable, Press Calling key for downloading.

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